Melayu Hina Cina Dayak India

Caption: Behead Dayak Posting - Sabahan & Sarawakians are kapir so it is compulsory for Islam to behead them there.

Malays misunderstand you. They think you insult Islam. No, you do not Insult Islam. Islam has many races: Chinese, Indians, Malays etc. Malays have many beliefs.  Malays are not Muslims. Malay is a race.   Muslim politicians are insecure with non-Muslim and non-Muslim Malays.
There are Malays who are agnostic, do not pray or belief in a mixture of Qu'ran and pagan beliefs in bomoh i.e. witchcraft. Some have converted out of Islam, become apostates or freethinkers.

You insult Malays who insult Islam by their bad behavior. They borrow money and do not return it [Datuk Tahir Ramli still owes you money]. They rape and kill Chinese and other girls. They insult other people's religion. They want to kill people according to some perverted teachings - 'sembelih, tentang, memerangi'. They curse others with 'sumpah latnatullah' 'and 'mampus'.

There are good people, and there are bad people.  The bad ones you insult. Ibrahim Ali dan Zulkifli Noordin insulted the Christians and Hindus. They wield the 'keris' Malay dagger provoking the killing of other races especially the Chinese - ask Hishammuddin and Najib.

Zalim (Cruelty): Bunuh (Kill) Melayu Memali 1985, Bunuh Cina 1969, Bunuh India, Bunuh Mongolia.  The King, PM, AG and IGP do not care who killed Altantuya.  They do not care for justice.  Justice is dead in Malaysia.  JIM-Jemaah ISIS Malaysia are calling for the beheading of Dayaks on Facebook postings.

Rogol (rape) Cina, Kristian, Indonesia, Melayu Islam.  Many Malays become rape victims by Muslim themselves. [because of perverted teachings of 'taking the woman by the right hand' or 'woman is booty and fair game']

Zalim pemerintah (cruel leaders), tak berperikemanusian (inhumane), tak hormat demokrasi (disrespect for democracy), tiada bebas beragama (no freedom of religion).  Paksa orang Melayu kembali ke Islam tak boleh keluar agama (force Malays back into Islam) - ugut bunuh (threaten with death because of some perverted teachings of killing apostates).

Rasuah (corruption): Tipu duit rakyat (cheat the citizen of their money).  KWSP, LTAT, Tabung Haji, Duit Kebajikan, 1MDB, 2.6 billion.

To say a Malay is Islam, Chinese Buddhist and Indian Hindu is stereotyping and politically incorrect. People have converted in and out of any particular religion.  Many are agnostics or atheists.  Some have declared becoming apostates. Many are hypocrites; outwardly looking holy but are declared rapists. [they appear in court wearing skullcaps and denying rape].  Is this the No.1 religion for rapists in US? Malaysia? Pakistan? Afghanistan? Syria? Lebanon? Egypt? Indonesia? Iraq? Sweden, UK, Singapore, Nigeria, Sudan, Muslim States?

Is this the No.1 religion for suicide bombers?
There had been >20,000 terrorist attacks since the 911 bombings.

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